University of Oxford (2021 - Present)
Course Convener: International Relations in the era of the Cold War
Lecturer: Methods in International Relations, Core module on International Relations
Tutorial (seminar) instructor for modules: International Relations, MPhil core seminar on International Relations, International Relations in the Era of the Cold War
LSE (2017- 2021)
Undergraduate (BSc) Courses
Course Convener: IR100 "International Relations: Theories, Concepts, Debates" (2019- Present)
Lecturer: IR100 "International Relations: Theories, Concepts, Debates" (2017- Present)
Lecturer: IR200 "International Political Theory" (2017-2019)
Post-Graduate (MSc) Courses
Seminar instructor: IR410 "International Politics" (2017-Present)
Lecturer: IR436/IR410 "Theories of International Politics" (2017- Present)
Dissertation Advising
I have advised BSc third year dissertations and MSc dissertations on topics broadly related to the politics of international law and constructivist IR theory. Examples of topics include:
Native norm contestation and colonial law in Latin America ​
Linguistic imperialism and the construction of the 'universal human' in the UDHR
'Individualisation' of responsibility for environmental harm in international law
Security Council dynamics and ICC referrals
Norm regress and America's assassination of Soleimani
Discourse of childhood as a site of power in international law: case of 'ISIS Children'
University of Oxford (2014-2017)
Tutor for undergraduate paper "International Relations Theory" at St Catherine's College (2017); Wadham College (2017); Worcester College (2014-2015)
Tutor for undergraduate paper "International Human Rights", Worcester College (2014-2015)